Reproduction and family formation law, including surrogacy, egg donation, sperm donation, and embryo donation
RELEVANT KEYWORDS: Surrogacy, surrogate, surogate, surogacy, California surrogate, California surrogacy, gestational carrier, gestational surrogate, surrogate mother, Intended parent, intended father, intended mother, intending parent, mere porteuse, gestation pour autrui, egg donor, egg donation, oocyte donor, gamete donor, sperm donor, sperm donation, embryo donor, embryo donation, embryo adoption, embryo recipient, embryo transfer, egg recipient, oocyte recipient, gamete donation, known donor, directed donor, third party reproduction, assisted reproductive technology, assisted reproduction, procréation médicalement assistée, reproductive medicine, infertility, fertility, fertilité, concurrent pregnancies, uterine transplant, IVF, in vitro fertilization, insemination, IUI, genetic contributors, 7613 (can you do numbers?), cryopreservation, LGBTQI+, homoparentales, same sex parent, same sex parenting, men having babies, gay fathers, gay mothers, lesbian parenting, surrogacy lawyer, surrogacy attorney, Milena Ohara, ohara, prenatal testing, multifetal reduction, induction of labor, cesarean section, termination of a pregnancy