There are many family-building options, including adoption. Our community must work together to ensure that all family building options remain legal and available.
Eliminate the stigma of egg freezing
ROCK your orange during National Infertility Awareness Week. Let everyone know you’re part of the movement to raise awareness! It’s ok to talk about infertility and preserving fertility. Join the conversation.
Eliminate the stigma of embryo donation
It takes a village to help meet the challenges of family building. Introducing your village: mental health professionals, physicians, agencies, attorneys, and organizations such as Resolve. You are not alone.
Eliminate the stigma of egg donation
The need for an egg donor’s help in creating a family is a part of many people’s journeys. The process of getting to the point of needing a donor is emotional, but once that baby is here, only the good memories stick. Having had clients, as well as friends, who were donors and recipients, I’ve seen the joy and gratitude on both sides.
#ReMARKableStories #NIAW2024 #LeaveYourMark2024 #WearOrange2024