Modern Fertility Law represents surrogates, donors, and intended parents. Our expertise in surrogacy law, egg donation law, sperm donation law, and embryo donation law has helped countless clients understand their legal rights and obligations.
Along with the intended parents, each reproductive arrangement can involve one ore more of the following parties:
- A surrogate
- An egg donor
- A sperm donor
- An embryo donor
Each party will always have independent legal representation. Typically, an attorney for the intended parents will prepare a contract. An attorney for the surrogate and/or donor will then review the contract and negotiate revisions.
Whichever party you might be, Milena will secure your legal rights while respecting the non-adversarial nature of these relationships.

Surrogacy agreements and judgments
- Surrogacy contract drafted for agency or non-agency matches
- Negotiate terms with other attorney
- Legal clearance sent to clinic so they are clear to start the embryo transfer cycle
- Prepare, file, and obtain Judgment signed by the Court, confirming parental rights
- For more details on the process, see the surrogacy timeline

Egg donation agreements
- Egg donation contract drafted for known or unknown arrangements
- Agency or non-agency matches
- Legal clearance sent to clinic to start the cycle medication
- For more details on the process, see the egg donation timeline.

Sperm donation agreements
- Sperm donation contract drafted
- Negotiate terms; limit rights and responsibilities
- Alert clinic of legal ownership and rights of use

Embryo donation agreements
- Embryo donation contract drafted for known or unknown arrangements
- Legal clearance sent to clinic to transfer ownership of stored embryos